Thursday, December 16, 2010

Oakland is not a bad place

          I have noticed that people are talking about Oakland and they are saying that it is a bad place to live in. Well i live in Oakland and i wouldn't want to live any other place. it is very cool to live in Oakland because there are schools almost every five blocks and the kids can some times a hand full but it is worth it. during the holidays  it is the most interesting place to live because people celebrate them and there are always block parties. When people say that Oakland is a Ghetto place its only one specific place like east fourteen. I lived there and it is very very cool because people always come up to you randomly and try to sell you cool stuff.
         I bought my PlayStation 3 for only 50 dollars and it was in perfect condition i also buy things like iPhone's and other electronics. the reason that they have all that stuff is because they still from people and sell it then they still it again and sell it again. i am not aloud to go down there even though it is only 10 blocks away from my house, because my dad told me not to blend in with the crowd because he does not want me to steal things like they do. the last time i went down there was about two days ago because one of my family members were going to Yemen and my uncle who lives there told me that he really wanted an IPhone  so i had no choice but to get him one. i found one for 20 bucks and it was a 3g one. i wanted to keep it for my self but he specifically told me to get him a 3g.
           I am rambling so let me get to the point why Oakland is a great place. well its a great place for some who is not shy of any one and not afraid to get out there. once you've made friends with kids in your neighbored you will never want to leave. Every day of break i would go to my friends house and play with there wii. there would always be a lot of people playing and that made it the best. The only reason that people think that it is not a good place is because they don't any friends i n Oakland, if you don't then it will be a living hell because people always walk in groups and if your not apart of it then you have no reason to be there.  "this is not true but thus happens a lot i see others doing this"

book review #3

       So far in the book the curious incident of the dog in the night time things take a turn for the worst. Christopher ran away from his dad because his dad told him what really happened to Mrs.shears dog. he told him that he killed the dog because after a while Ms.shears looked like she was going to move in with him and his dad did not want that to happen. Also Christopher finds out that his mom is not dead and that really react him mentally. when his dad gave him the bad news all at one time he had a break down and pushed his dad away. So he was very scared and did not want to live with his dad any longer and he remembered the address of were his mom lived because he had a photographic memory when he was reading the mail that his dad had kept for so long.
         His mom lived in London and was writing to him that whole time and she never got a latter back from her son. it was very shocking to see Christopher running away from home he could not sleep knowing that his dad was in the house he thought that his dad was going to kill him because now he knows his secret. so that same night he ran away with his pet rat and the farther they got away from home the safer he would feel. it was a very weird section i n the book.
       This was very funny  to read that any person who touched him would make him scream and it would cause problems on the Bart and he would piss off other people. like the guy at the that was in the bart before him and he seen a rat on him and was scared and Christopher got it back but it bit his finger very badly. by the time he got the rat back the guy had touched his shoulder and he screamed like a little girl and he keeps on screaming the whole way to London. when he finally finds his mom he finds her with Mr.shears and he was scared of him. then in the end he has to go back to Sweden and take his test which he got an A on. he gets a dog and every thing else goes great.   

Thursday, December 9, 2010

respond to victors post

 Things shifted as scary became horrifying. The doctor came out of his little work room and brought me into his examining room. I resisted by telling him to wait for my mom to bring me in, but I supposed it was fine. It was, until he started talking to me. I was speechless and too frightened to talk thinking that if i said something wrong, he would possibly shoot me.

       Victor i know exactly what you are talking about because i used to do the same thing. Like when my dad took me to the dentist and i could hear the drill inside someones mouth and it sounded like it really hurt and every time the line got smaller to see the dentist someone would come out of his office with a puffy check. When ever i saw that i thought that the doctor used to hit people to shut them up about there pain. What i didn't know until the end of that was that it was numb because the doctor shot me in my mouth. Not literary, he used a shot to inject a fluid into my mouth. 
        When i told my dad if her loved he would not let the doctor beat me. Then he laffed really really hard because i told him that that's why people were puffy. When it was my turn to go in i cried really loud and then shuted up really fast because i thought that i was going to get beat to  death. When that day was finally over i thought to my self that i was a good boy because i didn't let the doctor hit me and i didn't make him mad. but for some reason my cheek was really puffy and i told my dad and he laffed again so i hit him then he told me that it was because of the shot and i felt revealed that the doctor doesn't beat people up.
         So pretty much i didn't have a great day because i couldn't eat anything for a while but i did any way because i was hungry and that same week i went back to the dentist and had him fix my teeth again but this time it was worse because i had to go back to school that same day. i was embarrassed to go to school but thats what you get for not doing what the doctor said. 

book review #2

Then it was 1:20 a.m. but i hadn't heard father come up stairs to bed.I wondered if he was asleep downstairs or weather he was waiting to come and kill me. So i got my Swiss Army knife and opened the saw blade so that i could defend my self. Then i went out of my bed room really quietly and listened. i couldn't hear anything, so i started going downstairs really quietly and really slowly. And when i got downstairs i could see father's foot through the door of the living room. I waited for four minutes to see if he moved, but he didn't move. So i carried on walking till i got to the hallway. Then i looked around the door of the living room. 

      At that point in the story Christopher was heading out of the house so that he could run away from his dad because he thought that hes dad was going to come after him because his dad had told him that he was the one who killed the dog next door. when Christoper had heard this he got really sick and hit his dad until his dad hit the ground. This part of the story is were every thing got really cool and very interesting because the things that this boy does will put his dad threw hell. I have no idea why the rat is with the boy because think about it it is just one more head to feed and its a rat. Later on in the story, Christopher goes around the block and starts to ask people if they could take care of his rat and every one says no because well its a rat and no one wants one of those in there house. the weird thing in this story in that the kid is very hurt mentaly even though he cant feel his feelings he is a very smart kid and when i say that he is smart i mean he is very smart but he has his ways of messing up his first impression. 
      Like when he is talking to the police man and he looks like an ordinary kid then when the man talks to him he comes up with all this crap and it makes him look like a total retard. Any ways i am going to end off this post  by me recommending that you read the book. 

Saturday, December 4, 2010

respond to billy's post

Why choose iPad ? Many have wondered about this and still have trouble finding why. Well, what is an iPad? An iPad is a tablet computer made by Apple. It is made for reading audio books,watching movies, browsing the web, listening to music, and most importantly playing games. An iPad is portable and a lot bigger than the Ipod touch or the Iphone, but it does mostly the same task like them. A iPad's starting price is 499 US dollars, a lot more compared to the Ipod touch, but also a lot better in many ways.The iPad has a multitouch surface, allowing you to touch the surface with two fingers and both fingers will work finely. The battery is said to last up to 10 hours of video, 140 hours of audio playback, or one month on standby. -Billy

           I know that the Ipad has all those features and some other ones. But you didn't add the bad things in it like not having a camera. It's 2010 and apple doesn't even bother to put a camera in one of there devices. that is the only thing that is going to upgrade them to the other ipad. who knows the other version that will come out any time now will have a camera because that is the only other thing that it is missing. The ipad is one of the best things on earth "not counting it without a camera" because it has one of the best screen resolution i have ever seen i n my whole life. another thing is that it will amaze even bill gates because he would have never ever came up with it. Other company's are trying to come up with cheap  tablets like the windows tablet. i have tried both and their is no way that i am going to pick any other company then apple because it ids the only thing that i know of that can be jail broken and it has the number one touch screen in the world. At least in our times. To all the people who are thinking of getting an ipad or looking over other company's that may look similar then you are just wasting your time because nothing can match up with the IPAD!

book review

            So far in the book the curious incident of the dog in the night-time, Christopher has been telling us what the book was going to be about, which was a bad idea because he is giving away the purpose of the book and he is spoiling it. One example is when he says the title of the paragraph like My mothers death or something. In the first sentence of each of the paragraph he tells you exactly what he is going to talk about. There are some good things in the store as well like in the first chapter you really want to know how old he is because he sounds like he is eight years old and you think to your self how could an eight year old publish a book. then in the second chapter he is telling you how old he is then that is even worse then being eight because he is really fifteen years old and he is kind of retarded. you feel really bad for him a third into the book but some how in the end of one of the chapters he seems to be really smart but at the same time the worlds dumbest person.
        One example of this is when he says that all the kids at his school are all dumb and don't know what to think then he starts to brag on how he is going to prove that he is smarter then all of his colleges. He sounds really smart for some one who can't even feel his own feelings or notice other peoples faces. You feel very bad for him when his dad told him that his mom had died and the same dad after he hears the bad news he plays scrabble with his neighbor that came to comfort his dad and the weird thing was that he won the game. To make matters worse he doesn't have any common sense. Like when he told his dad what type of a heart attack his mom had and he started to list all of the names and his dad just apologizes's to him and it sounded like he was a fool to have Christopher in the first place. 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Kite Runner


                          The kite runner
  1. What are the weaknesses in this book, in your opinion?
  2. If you've read other books in this same genre, how does this one compare.
  3. Pick a character that interested you and write about them in depth. You can also analyze a relationship between two different characters.

               The book “The kite runner” Has it's ups and its downs. The weaknesses of this book are what you should think about before you write it. One of the weaknesses of this book is the title because it doesn't make sense in the end of the book to call it “The Kite Runner”. The reason I say that, is because the last sentence in the story is “I ran”, it seems weird to say that because you would expect the last line to leave you hanging. If I was to write this book I would have said something like “I missed the feeling of running my kite”. If the author had said that or anything else besides “I ran” I would have given the book an 8 out of ten because there are some other things that need correcting. Another example of needing improvements is that the characters don't seem to show there feelings or expressions at all. Like when Amir's dad dies Amir doesn't give off a huge reaction , he seems to be perfectly okay one page later.

               “Now the last of the mourners had paid there respects and the mosque was empty, save for the mullah unplugging the microphone and wrapping his Koran in green cloths. The general and I stepped out into a late-afternoon sun. We walked down the steps, past men smoking in clusters. I heard snippets of their conversations, a soccer game in Union City next weekend, a new Afghan restaurant in Santa Clara. Life moving on already, leaving Baba behind.”
I know, at the end of that paragraph Amir sounds like he has no heart because he is just throwing it out there that his dad was gone he acts like he can handle things all by him self. And he Is only think of him self. He was only thinking about him self because his dad was providing for the both of them and amir had no idea what he was going up against and how he was going to make a living.
         I read a book that is very similar to this one. The title of the book is called “The Circuit”, it has many things in common with “The Kite Runner.” One thing that they both share is that the characters in the books are trying to redeem them selves because they had unfulfilled dreams and they tried every thing to make it better. In “The Kite Runner” the problem is that Amir regrets the fact that he let Hassan get rapped and he will forever feel bad for it. He tried to look for many ways that he could redeem him self and in the end of the book he finds away. Although in the end of the book Amir finds out many things that he didn't know. He is still pretty happy to know that if he gets Sorhab back then he will be able to let go of the guilt that he had for so long. The problem in “The Circuit” is that the two brothers had to go to America because their parents were there and they had some unfulfilled dreams. They tried to redeem them selves by going to school and working really hard. But this book ends off really sad and very unexpected. They both get caught and had to be deported to Mexico. You would expect the book to end with a happy ending but this kind of brings you tears
          When I think about Amir I think that he is a huge coward that doesn't want people to know that he is such a wuss. But I think I know what was holding him back. I think that it was his dad because he always thought that his son was a waste of time and was good for nothing. He always showed affection for Hassan in front of Amir. That makes Amir feel like he is worthless and that no one cares for him. I feel very bad for Amir because he can't be the man that he wants to. It seems like all the characters in the book are all very messed up in the head. I can't imagine having to go through all that and have to live with my self. Amir probably has his reasons on why he can't do anything about what ever happens to him. He only wants to get credit for what he does. I like to think of Amir and Assef to be very similar to each other. The only thing that separates them is that one has the power to express his feelings and wants other to feel his pain and the other only keeps his feelings bottled up. If Amir ever does man up and try's to be the man that he was supposed to be he would be a very mean man and would get what ever he wants from anyone. Just like in the movies when the nerd gets complete power and he ends up being the bad guy because all his friends made him very mad and he only has revenge on his mind. I watched a movie today it's called “Megamind”The nerd that try's to get the girl is nice but in the end he is the bad guy and he wants to have revenge on every one. “I recommend that you watch this movie.”This is what I think about Amir, although he has some issues he made be a crazy, dumb, coward, he also has his reasons for what he does.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Respond to Bianca's post

                     " It has been decided that in 2014, on the last day of school, I will do something I have never done before. I will be taking a risk and do something so rebellious and bold that it is practically unheard of. In fact, it is even more rebellious than running around with scissors and crossing a street without looking both ways."

                   I feel the same way Bianca. I think that i am going to end the school year the same way. The only way to make people remember you is to do something very shocking. I think that you should do something way out of your confert zone, this is just a funny image but it would be so funny if you would start to brake dance out of no were. Any way i think that i am going to do a cool stunt or buy every one something. This year i am kind of nicer then i was last year because what i did in the end of the school year last year. i did something that really hurt my friends and i will always regreat it.
             If you ever think of doing something that you will be remembered for. just let it be some thing good that you will be known for. I will remember you for being the most creative person in all my class's because when you don't mean to impress people it happens any way. I have a feeling that every one is going to do what you going to do which is try and do something outside there confert zone. One time in the end of elementry when i was very shy to talk to anyone i changed my mind and at the end of the school year i was mad because i made alot of new friends in one day then i did in the whole five years that i was there. It was to bad because i never saw any of the people that i meet, it was preety earetating. I am going to end this blog post respond, with a huge act that will impress every one. BOOGABOOGABO!!!!!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Kite Runner :Review

          The second part of the book the kite runner was very intreging to read. It has alot of shocking events in it that will leave you asking questions. Even though it answers most of the first parts questions. The thing that really impacted Amir in the second section was that there were alot of deaths and all of them were really tragic to him. I think that the one that got to him the most was his fathers death. He didn't really show it in any way that he was disappointed. i think that it was very stupid of him to thinkm that he could just sell that the house that he grew up in and leave. It seems very dum of Amir to try and be a man and look for Hassan's kid. I think that in the future Amir would never have found the kid that he was looking for. The second section of this story is were all drama is supposed to be but it just menchines that people died.
        This is what alot of people had on there minds when they figure out that baba had died. Some people came to pay there respects while other people that Amir was going to be a good boy and man up. This is what i think about the story. I think that Amir is going to got down the same road that his dad did. Just like when Amir finds out that Hassan was really his half brother. But what doesn't seem to repeat is the fact that Amir can't have a kid of his own. If Amir does end up finding Hassan's kid what will he end up doing with him. What will become of Amir if he does and is he to young to raise a kid. I think that every thing is going to work out in the end and that the person who wrote this book has something to do with it and how does he know what happened to this family. I await to see what will happen in the other section of The Kite Runner. I hope that all of my Questions will be answered in the last section. GREAT BOOK !!!!!!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

mid life crisis "All Hell Brakes Loose" part two

         We move on to Thursday and i try the night before to get ready for the whole day. I wake up early in the morning so that i could print my homework and when i turn on my computer it starts up and says windows has been illegally installed. You can only pray that i didn't go crazy at that point but it was to late. I wasn't thinking and went to go tell my dad that my computer wasn't working and he says "what do you want me to do about it." My mind went totaly blank and i walked alway thinking about how my week was going. So i grab my laptop and punch a whole straight through the laptop screen and tour off the screen from the keyboard. I wen't insane, i beat the thing until you couldn't tell it was a laptop. When i am done i notice that Karen is outside waiting for me and i rushed outside, not having enough time to clean the mess that i made so i just locked my room and took the key. The rest of the day was miserable because I sleept in all of my class's.
        As friday comes along I wake up and try to get to my feet but i couldn't. My back had froze on me and i couldn't move i screamed for my mom and she ends up snapping my neck and i felt great until i hear Karen outside waiting for me and i coulded around for my polo and i couldn't find it because i forgot that i lost it on Thursday. I get into the car looking like a mess. i get through the school day and go to my dads store. I take the car out for a spin because my dad said i could and i crash the car. It wasn't my fault because my dad new that the brakes wern't working properly. As the day goes by i don't know what to do and i suddenly remember that Mr.Sutherland told us that we had two blog post due and i am rushing to do them. the one that i am doing right now is the last one and i am trying to finish it before twelve. This is my last word.    


mid life crisis "Emotions explode" part one

         The reason i called this post the mid life crisis is because this week has been the most suicidal week of my life. Even though i would never kill my self , that seemed like the only title that could fit what i was feeling. Any way, i started off my week by getting to school late and forgetting my lunch. As that day went by i went home to see why my dad was so happy. When i get there i notice that the plasma TV came, my dad said that i could watch the new movie we just rented. i plug up all the wires and the DVD player. my dad asks me "which wire is for the DVD player". I show him and he pulls it off the TV and says "thanks by". i got really mad at him for that. later on that day he tells me to come to the store with him and i go because every one at the house were pissing me off. I get to the store after six o'clock and i forget my text book. to make things worse our worker left because he was sick and i didn't have enough time to do my homework because i was restocking the shelves.
          That day ends and tuesday begins i wake up again late and no breakfeast and i forgot my lunch and only had five dollars on me. that day went great "NOT" i had to go to the store when the school day was over and mt dad wants to go home and leave me at the store. so since hes my dad i can't say anything to him and said "ok you better get going". But wait you think that things can't get worse and i gorget my text book again. i go to the bath room and flip out and just go crazy. I try to come down that day and i did for the rest of it.
        As wednesday begins i wake up late another time even though i made an alarm on my phone. I get to school seriously pissed and in no mood to talk to any one. since i was already very very mad i tould my dad that i wasn't going to go to the store ahead of time. But he desides to lie and say he has to be some were and i say "So what deal with it I have way to many things to do." I hang up and go home. I have never ever done that to my parents ever in my life. I was furious because every day keeps getting worse and worse. i wonder what would it be like on friday.

Friday, October 29, 2010

reflective Essay

                                                            Reflective Essay
           Over the semester I have learned a lot of new ways on how i can improve my writing to a higher standard . One of the ways is making it interesting like make it so good that people can not stop reading. Like my blog post The scariest day ever. In this blog post , i made it very interesting and kind of scary so that when people start to read it they will be hooked on the writing and wont stop reading. I made a lot of new improvements to my writing but the one thing that i did not do was split my paragraph into many because they are all run on. I am going to try to do it with this essay and hope that i do it right.
         Blogging has had a huge impact on my life because it helps improve the way I write and it brings down the number of mistakes I make. Before I had no idea on how to use blogger but now I do and I can type faster. Also all of my work is portable on the web because blogger saves all my work in a mater of seconds. See for your self if I have improved on my blog. I started from really bad work to going step by step to improve my work. My blog has all that you need to see in order to believe me. Even though my work isn't perfect it is getting there step by step every day. The main influence was Mr. Sutherland because he is the one who gave me the little tips on improving my work. If it wasn't for him I would be a horrible writer. The first time I posted up a blog on blogger was the hardiest thing I had for homework because I have never used it before.
        All of my posts on blogger come from a randomly selected word off the top of my mind. After I have got the word I need I make it into a title and start to brain storm. It may take a while but at least I can think of things to write about. When I don’t know what I'm going to write about I think about my day and what happened to me. If I know what I am going to write about I cant wait for school to end so that I can take my laptop and start to type. Like right now I am making this up as I go so this is not going to be the best work that I can do. If a subject is interesting to me I will stay up all night thinking of how I am going to improve it. I look forward to making my writing better then what it was and what it is. The first post I put up was the worst post of all. I didn't have any of the requirementsn and it did not meat the dead line. There was no indentation and there was only about two hundred words when you need a min of three hundred. The only thing that I did right was give it a title and even
the title wasn't good so I completely messed up that post.
          My favorite post that I did was The scariest day ever. It was my favorite because I pored my heart into it. It was the easiest post that I have ever done because I had some much to say about it and it really had an impact on me. The reason that I say that was because I had to witness the worst thing that could ever happen to someone. There were some many people stopping on a guys head and really messing him up mentally and physically. I think that people would agree with me if I said that this should never have to any human in the world no mater what. My least favorite post was the first post I put up because it had no meaning and only took me about ten minutes to make it. Tell me why I haven’t took ii off of my blog. I think that I am going to go to blogger right now and delete it right now. Some might think that it is easy to post two blogs every week but its not. The typing part it
easy but the rest isn't. The only thing that I don't look forward to on Fridays is that the posts are due. I can't stand doing them because they take for ever.

        I am going to end off this post with me thanking the people that read my post and commented. Its people like you that help others with there mistakes and help them improve. Since I hate to post long things on blogger I am going to ramble about what I am going to do next time when I post something. The first thing is going to be to indent my paragraphs and make them longer. The second thing I am going to do is stop posting stupid things on blogger. The third thing is I am going to start commenting on peoples work to tell them what they need to work on and what they have that is good. The fourth and final thing on my list is I am going to finish this essay before ten o'clock. All of these will end up helping my grad and help me improve on my writing skills. Thank you for reading and bye.     

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

of mice and men

Bassam Alkabsh
Period 1 English

                                                      Of Mice & Men.
In the story of mice and men it has a lot of interesting conflict going. The genre of the story is fiction. It is noticeable that the story is fiction because it has a lot of extreme conflicts that are very unreal. The reason that this story is called of mice and men, is because it looks like a man with a mouse's brain. The thing that makes this story interesting is that it has this very good description that pulls you into the story.
            The central conflict in the store of mice and men it's mostly about character vs. society. Lennie is always going against society because no one he meets likes him because he always makes a bad impression and people don't like bright people. Here is a quote from the story.
         Pg 11 “ Lennie knelt and looked over the fire at the angry George. And Lennie’s face was drawn with terror. “An' whatta I got.” George went on furiously. “ I got you!” You can't keep a job and you lose me ever' job I get. Just keep me shovin' all over the country all the time.”
This issue with Lennie will never stop because they will continue to lose there jobs and Lennie will never mature. Thanks to his lake of knowledge and his mental retardation it's kind of impossible for him to change his dumb irritating ways.
        Lennie would never change and even if he said he would he would end up apologizing and say he forgot. Lennie is clearly not smart at all, he acts like he is a little boy with a big imagination. Lennie never meant to do things on purpose it's just that he has a way of doing things and when he gets scared he does those stupid things. Here is another example of what Lennie would do to piss people off.
      Pg 41 “ Well, he seen this girl in a red dress. Dumb bastard like he is, he wants to touch ever' thing he likes. Just wants to feel it. So he reaches out to feel this red dress an' and the girl lets out a squawk, and that gets Lennie all mixed up, and he holds on ' cause that's the only thing he could think to do.”
Lennie is a terrified person because he doesn't feel right when he isn't around George. The only thing that George could do while he is present in a time were Lennie is in trouble and needs Lennie to let go of something.
         The quote keeps going on and on about the stuff that Lennie does to get them both kicked out. Half way during the quote George seems to get a little mad at Lennie because Lennie is truly the source where all of George's problems come from. George always says that with the money he makes every month he could go to the cat house or get really drunk and he keeps repeating it as if he really does want that. The only thing that Lennie ever thinks about is rabbits he always asks questions to George saying.
          Pg 57 “An' rabbits George.”
No place for rabbits now, but I could easy build a few hutches and you could feed alfalfa to the rabbits.”
“Damn right, I could,” said Lennie. “ God damn right I could.”
Talk about obsession of rabbits, that's all he talks about. The things that Lennie likes are shiny things or living furry animals. So when he gets a hold of them, he will not let go or if it's living he will end up killing the pour thing.
       Curly has it out for Lennie because Lennie crushed Curly's arm and killed Curly's wife. It sounds like he is a mad man, but he is not at all he didn’t mean to do any of it. The only time that Lennie meant to hurt any one was when George told him to. The thing that happened with Curly's wife was no one's fault but hers. If she wasn’t such a hoe bag, scaring Lennie until the point were he wouldn't let go of her hair. She kept struggling and told him nicely she wouldn't have caused her own neck to brake.
It's sad to see a man lose all of his brain's because he got hit by a horse on the head. Just for that little accident, he has the whole world looking at him as if every one wants him dead. Speaking of the dead, Lennie also killed a girl at the ranch they staying at. He saw Curly's wife in the rabbit house and he decided to touch her hair. When she told Lennie to let go he gets scared so he holds on, just like what he did in Weed. Any way he keeps holding on because there is no one to stop him, the girl gets really scared and tries to run off but next thing you know her neck is snapped and he dies. Causing Lennie to run off into the mountains were George told him to go just in case he gets into any trouble. So in the end George does what he has to do. He tells the story of him and Lennie living in a little house and turns Lennie to his back away from him self and aims the gun behind his head and pulls the trigger.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

best movie

             The best movie on earth is Avatar because it was very expensive and it took a long time to make it. I watched it on the day it came out, i didnt think that there would be alot of people trying to watch it. So i walked into the theater and there was a huge line and I'm thinking that people are there to watch any other movie then Avatar. I go to the room were avatar was playing and i see that the whole room is over packed with people. I finally find a seat anhd sit down to watch the movie. The movie quality was the best ever and the movie was very long. Thirty minutes into the movie i loved it because you can see people traviling from earth to another universe trying to find creatures and hunting them down for there rear rocks. My favorite part was the Avatars were fighting the humans and the seround sound got really loud to the point were you cloud feel your chair vibrate. The 3d glassas made it the best experience because everytime someone would through something in the movie you could feel it because of how close it was. That was my first time ever going to bayfair so that made the experience really cool because from that day on i could never go to any other theater out there because the feeling i got from watching Avatar. After i watched it once i got hooked on it so i watched it yet again and again more then four times. Every time i would watched it i watched it in i max so it was better images of all of what was happening. i can tell that the people that watched the movie really liked it the same way that i did. If anyone who reads this post please let me know how your experence was like when you first watched this amazing movie. That is why i thin k that Avatar was the best movie that i ever watch.


Facebook is the most addicting thing that I can think of. For example every time I try to do my homework I get a email from someone saying get on line or you just posted on your wall. It is the only place were you can talk to all your friends that in no way is related to school. Since it takes me long enough to do my homework I get really board of doing it for like three hours so I go on the Internet to try to come my self down. Then when I'm on the Internet I all of a sudden log on to facebook and I see all my friends are on line so I talk to them and most of them are trying to get away from there homework. So I talk to them and one thing leads to the other and next thing you know I am gossiping about every one and I look at the time and I have been on the Internet for at least two hours then in the end I am two hours behind and try to make up all the work in a hour. Even thought I try to do it when I get home I always get distracted to it. Another example is when I don't bring my laptop because of the distractions, I pull out my phone from my pocket and start searching for facebook. I am kind of disappointed at my self because I really am trying to do my best in school and to become successful when I grow up. I always say to my self I'm not going to connect to facebook today because I got a lot of homework to do. Then I forget that I login automatically every day so when I open up Internet explorer and my homepage is facebook and I see what all the commotion is all about then I'm sucked in and i cant get out.I recommend that you take your work to your room and don't bother opening your computer if you can.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The scariest day ever

          Yesterday September nine 2010 was the scariest day of my life. I went with my dad to his store and I worked ever since I got there till the time we were going to close the store. The weirdest thing happened, the streets all of the sudden got full of people and all the people on the streets beat up a drug dealer. The people that beat him up were also drug dealers. There were about 30 drug dealers all going off on one person. They were fighting over territory because if they didn’t have a spot to hide then they couldn't sell there drugs without the police finding out. Any way I went outside to see what was happening and I saw five people holding a man up and three other guys were punching his face in a also kicking his ribs. It went on for about ten minutes and I called the cops and just when I thought it was over some one threw a huge glass bottle at him and it broke on his head causing the man to bleed like a broken pipe, there was blood everywhere. The guy was on the ground uncontentious and someone else threw another bottle at his head also breaking and causing more blood to come out but there was no reaction from the uncontentious man. Just when I thought it was over another person stomped on his head and spit on him. When everyone had enough of watching the mechanic next door pulls out a rifle and runs towards the group and was prepared to fire. Everyone ran and my dad and I closed the store and got in the car and fled. As we were leaving we heard a gun fire and we were to far to see what happened. We got home not talking about it and went to sleep trying to erase the image of blood out of our minds.         

The Painting

            The girl in the painting that’s next to the window, looks like she just read a letter telling her that her husband just died and the paper in her hand I there to notify her. I think that she is going to live on the streets after that because her husband can no longer help her and provide for her so shes on her own. She will get really mad and eventually have to commit suicide because there is no longer meaning to her life. She is taking the short cut of whats going to happen to her in the future. The mood of the story is very depressing because there is a open window with light shining out of it which is supposed to be her husband and the rest of the room is dark and the picture kinda tells you that there is still hope the women is not going take it because she does not think that things are going to get better from there and on. The lady in the picture looks like she has been beaten up mentally and can't take any more bad news. Her clothing gives you the idea that she has been working really hard hoping for her husband to return and when he does she can finally relax and remove the burden from her shoulder.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Aquatic Uncle

     Q often goes back and forth between prideful arrogance and shameful embarrassment.
In the story “the aquatic uncle” it has many examples of Q doing both, being ashamed and prideful. For example Q is always being embarrassed, like when his uncle took his girlfriend and she tour his heart into bits. One example of Q being prideful was when he thought he should man up and show his girlfriend the uncle that he has which is also a fish. Here is one quote from the story. “I could have sunk into the ground with shame. And he said I'm not fooling! The worms you find there will fill your belly alright.” As you can see Q has his time of need and he was a whole lot of time when he was ashamed of him self just like in the quote above.
      Another example of Q trying to be prideful and help his uncle was when he said to his uncle to come with them and no one besides him is in the water. Since Q doesn’t really know his uncle and what he is about to say then Q is totally absent minded. Here is the quote from the story “We had made various attempts to get him up on land with us.”Again Q does not know when to stop and how to convince any one with his prideful arrogance. This part even has a example of when he got embarrassed in front of his girlfriend because when they left, Ill his girlfriend was happy to see his uncle but Q tried to show her why he did not want to show her his uncle in the first place. Q always has his ways of hurting him self just like in the other books about him.
      Q is very complicated because when he doesn’t want to do something he does it anyway because it gives him the temptation but when Q gets mad he really will go off someone, this is how he talks to his uncle “Go on with you tadpole when you’re wet again you'll be back home!” For that Q's pride got to him because in the end Q looses his girlfriend because of what his uncle said. This is what Q's uncle says to Ill “ If you're game sweetie, I can teach you in a minute!”
Q: “And what do you think you can do with a old fish.”
Ill: “Marry him. Be a fish again with him.”
As you can tell that is the worst kind of experience that any one can go through. All has been said and done by Q, he has his moments of pride and his moments of shame.  

Thursday, September 23, 2010

a tipical day at asti

    the day of everyday

what i do every day at asti is go to first period and try to get there on time because karen is so lazy in the morning. After i am late to school  i try to go into class without without disturbing any one because everyone is trying to there work and i know that i hate it when people walk intro class and i am at them for not walking in with no noise and slamming the door. Next i go to second period which is the longiest period of them all gbecause we always have to listen to higashi talk and vin is never going to stop asking ?'s>.Finally when second period is over i go to the rest of my classs because i have to and they go by really fast and as i type karen id=s loomking at me and she is like so wired.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

the ten words


the worst day

The Worst day
The worst day for me was today 9/20/10 because every thing went wrong. First thing that happened to me today was that I had to wake up in the morning to make me a sandwich which took me more then 30 min to make because I burned the first one. The other thing that happened to me today was that we had a time line due for history class and I was waiting for the glue to dry off. The thing that really messed me up bad today was that Karen and I had to walk 2.7 miles to get home because the bus took us the wrong way thanks to Ivan telling us that we had to take the 51a to get home. My feet were killing me because my backpack was so heavy and I already had back problems from a bad night sleep. I don’t even know why I am typing right now because I am really mad and this is how im going to end my day. 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

the new house

                  The Creepy New House
I was only 5 when me and my family moved to the house three blocks away. The first time I seen it I was terrified of it because it was so big with a huge lone and a big-faced dog. I hated that house ever since I heard we were going to move into it. The first time I walked in it I thought that I wouldn’t make it a week before I died. Its been ten years that I’ve lived in it and so far I love it so much because its huge and I get my own bedroom and we got a huge front and back yard. People always ask me how do I like the house because on the outside it looks like it is hunted because of all the trees and shade. Now that I am a teenager I would never give it up because well its were I grew up and its the only place in the world were I can be happy. I want me kids to grow up in it. So a word of advice don't ever say no until you experience it.  

my day at sixflags

                          My day at six flags
My first time going to Sixflags was so much fun because I went with a lot of people that I knew. The first thing that I did when I got into Sixflags was buy some food because I was hungry after coming straight home from school. When I was done eating I went to try one of the games that they had it was supposed to have a Nintendo DS if I won I would keep it. I won and they kept saying that I cheated because it was impossible to put the ring through the loop. So I was pretty mad until I got one the roller coaster “roar” because I never rid a roller coaster in my life. You can tell I was pumped so I tried out all of the rides and guess what happened I barfed so hard that if I wasn’t barfing, I would be. Then me and all my friends went home and fell asleep and the day ends there. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

                                                                                                                                   Luis Alba

Bassam Alkabash

Prostitution shouldn’t be legalized

1. Prostitution gives females and males many diseases and parasites such as HIV/AIDS, STD’s, Herpes, crabs, and many more. This is important because if people don’t use protection, they can be in risk of having a disease. Health officials state,
25% of them have HIV or AIDS. 3-5% of the sexually transmitted disease in this country is related to prostitution (compared with 30-35% among teenagers).

2. Prostitution puts females and males into risk of being killed, kidnapped, robbed, and rapped. This is very important because you might not know if a person will do something wrong.
Eighty-two percent of these respondents reported having been physically assaulted since entering prostitution. Of those who had been physically assaulted, 55% of prostitutes have been assaulted by customers. Eighty-eight percent had been physically threatened while in prostitution, and 83% had been physically threatened with a weapon. Sixty-eight percent reported having been raped since entering prostitution. Forty-eight percent had been raped more than five times. Forty-six percent of those who reported rapes stated that they had been raped by customers.
In the 1990s, researchers Melissa Farley and Howard Barkan conducted a study on prostitution, violence against women and post traumatic stress disorder, interviewing 130 San Francisco prostitutes. Their findings indicate assault and rape are all too commonplace.

3. Most prostitutes are under the age of 18. This is important because people under the age of 18 shouldn’t be working on these kinds of things. A study in 1993 from Health Centers states,  
2/3 of prostitutes began working in prostitution before the age of 16. Young women often enter prostitution as a way of escaping an abusive environment and because they are poor.75% worked for a pimp.
Also, a recent study from Africa states,
30 and 40 percent of prostitutes are between 11 and 18.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Bullying Puts Others Down

People mite think that it's okay to bully others but here is what Troy has to say about it. 
I remember one time when a group of kids went around the whole school picking on smaller kids. At that time I was one of the smaller kids. They would do things like make fun of their clothes and how they looked. I know that that was wrong because kids couldn’t change how they looked, or how their clothes looked because the kid’s parents might not have had money to get them the name brand clothing.
If you have ever gotten bullied and then you know that its not all fun and games. people really do get hurt and that makes them fell very bad about them selves. I know that it really hurts people because i always got bullied when i was a kid and when i grew up i got my revenge but still I regret what i did and fell horrible about it.
The bullying only stops when you decide to stop it and remember violence never solves any thing. The way it works is that people love to know that others fear them because of what they can do. It makes them fell very intimidated and it makes the bully fell that they are more then just your superior they are greater then you. For example a king and all of his slaves, if the slaves make the king mad the king has power over them and can do what ever they want until people fight back. In our case we tell the teacher or try to solve it another way. I recommend that you don't bully any one and no one will bully you. People can relate to what Troy said because every now and then some will be a victim of bullying even if you are the bully it will still happen to you eventually because people have revenge on there mind all the time and who know they can do something far more worst then you did because it hurts inside.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Back in seventh grade always used to hurt peoples feelings because i was always the easy target in 6th grade. So pretty much i was getting even with everyone that hurt me. In the 6th grade i had people tripping me and calling me names and even beating me up, until i hit a huge growing spree. Then i was the one getting the satisfaction of hitting some one. I was on a roll but not in a good way i hurt people even more then they hurt me. One time next to my house i got beaten up by the kids on my block and when i would ask what i did they would start hitting me and two weeks later i beat the life out of every single one of them. When i was the one getting beaten up i felt mad and pretty pissed. then when i got a taste of how it felt to conflict it to others i was the very thing i set out to destroy. I think that people bully each other because it makes them feel better about them selves.