Thursday, December 16, 2010

book review #3

       So far in the book the curious incident of the dog in the night time things take a turn for the worst. Christopher ran away from his dad because his dad told him what really happened to Mrs.shears dog. he told him that he killed the dog because after a while Ms.shears looked like she was going to move in with him and his dad did not want that to happen. Also Christopher finds out that his mom is not dead and that really react him mentally. when his dad gave him the bad news all at one time he had a break down and pushed his dad away. So he was very scared and did not want to live with his dad any longer and he remembered the address of were his mom lived because he had a photographic memory when he was reading the mail that his dad had kept for so long.
         His mom lived in London and was writing to him that whole time and she never got a latter back from her son. it was very shocking to see Christopher running away from home he could not sleep knowing that his dad was in the house he thought that his dad was going to kill him because now he knows his secret. so that same night he ran away with his pet rat and the farther they got away from home the safer he would feel. it was a very weird section i n the book.
       This was very funny  to read that any person who touched him would make him scream and it would cause problems on the Bart and he would piss off other people. like the guy at the that was in the bart before him and he seen a rat on him and was scared and Christopher got it back but it bit his finger very badly. by the time he got the rat back the guy had touched his shoulder and he screamed like a little girl and he keeps on screaming the whole way to London. when he finally finds his mom he finds her with Mr.shears and he was scared of him. then in the end he has to go back to Sweden and take his test which he got an A on. he gets a dog and every thing else goes great.   

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