Thursday, December 16, 2010

Oakland is not a bad place

          I have noticed that people are talking about Oakland and they are saying that it is a bad place to live in. Well i live in Oakland and i wouldn't want to live any other place. it is very cool to live in Oakland because there are schools almost every five blocks and the kids can some times a hand full but it is worth it. during the holidays  it is the most interesting place to live because people celebrate them and there are always block parties. When people say that Oakland is a Ghetto place its only one specific place like east fourteen. I lived there and it is very very cool because people always come up to you randomly and try to sell you cool stuff.
         I bought my PlayStation 3 for only 50 dollars and it was in perfect condition i also buy things like iPhone's and other electronics. the reason that they have all that stuff is because they still from people and sell it then they still it again and sell it again. i am not aloud to go down there even though it is only 10 blocks away from my house, because my dad told me not to blend in with the crowd because he does not want me to steal things like they do. the last time i went down there was about two days ago because one of my family members were going to Yemen and my uncle who lives there told me that he really wanted an IPhone  so i had no choice but to get him one. i found one for 20 bucks and it was a 3g one. i wanted to keep it for my self but he specifically told me to get him a 3g.
           I am rambling so let me get to the point why Oakland is a great place. well its a great place for some who is not shy of any one and not afraid to get out there. once you've made friends with kids in your neighbored you will never want to leave. Every day of break i would go to my friends house and play with there wii. there would always be a lot of people playing and that made it the best. The only reason that people think that it is not a good place is because they don't any friends i n Oakland, if you don't then it will be a living hell because people always walk in groups and if your not apart of it then you have no reason to be there.  "this is not true but thus happens a lot i see others doing this"

1 comment:

  1. hey bassam if someone come with the ipodtouch 4 buy it and ill buy it from you ok plz bruh i need one plz. because all my family have iphone 4 and i can just facetime anyone of them fo free bruhh ok plz look for one for me! and ill pay you back!!
