Thursday, December 9, 2010

respond to victors post

 Things shifted as scary became horrifying. The doctor came out of his little work room and brought me into his examining room. I resisted by telling him to wait for my mom to bring me in, but I supposed it was fine. It was, until he started talking to me. I was speechless and too frightened to talk thinking that if i said something wrong, he would possibly shoot me.

       Victor i know exactly what you are talking about because i used to do the same thing. Like when my dad took me to the dentist and i could hear the drill inside someones mouth and it sounded like it really hurt and every time the line got smaller to see the dentist someone would come out of his office with a puffy check. When ever i saw that i thought that the doctor used to hit people to shut them up about there pain. What i didn't know until the end of that was that it was numb because the doctor shot me in my mouth. Not literary, he used a shot to inject a fluid into my mouth. 
        When i told my dad if her loved he would not let the doctor beat me. Then he laffed really really hard because i told him that that's why people were puffy. When it was my turn to go in i cried really loud and then shuted up really fast because i thought that i was going to get beat to  death. When that day was finally over i thought to my self that i was a good boy because i didn't let the doctor hit me and i didn't make him mad. but for some reason my cheek was really puffy and i told my dad and he laffed again so i hit him then he told me that it was because of the shot and i felt revealed that the doctor doesn't beat people up.
         So pretty much i didn't have a great day because i couldn't eat anything for a while but i did any way because i was hungry and that same week i went back to the dentist and had him fix my teeth again but this time it was worse because i had to go back to school that same day. i was embarrassed to go to school but thats what you get for not doing what the doctor said. 

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