Saturday, December 4, 2010

book review

            So far in the book the curious incident of the dog in the night-time, Christopher has been telling us what the book was going to be about, which was a bad idea because he is giving away the purpose of the book and he is spoiling it. One example is when he says the title of the paragraph like My mothers death or something. In the first sentence of each of the paragraph he tells you exactly what he is going to talk about. There are some good things in the store as well like in the first chapter you really want to know how old he is because he sounds like he is eight years old and you think to your self how could an eight year old publish a book. then in the second chapter he is telling you how old he is then that is even worse then being eight because he is really fifteen years old and he is kind of retarded. you feel really bad for him a third into the book but some how in the end of one of the chapters he seems to be really smart but at the same time the worlds dumbest person.
        One example of this is when he says that all the kids at his school are all dumb and don't know what to think then he starts to brag on how he is going to prove that he is smarter then all of his colleges. He sounds really smart for some one who can't even feel his own feelings or notice other peoples faces. You feel very bad for him when his dad told him that his mom had died and the same dad after he hears the bad news he plays scrabble with his neighbor that came to comfort his dad and the weird thing was that he won the game. To make matters worse he doesn't have any common sense. Like when he told his dad what type of a heart attack his mom had and he started to list all of the names and his dad just apologizes's to him and it sounded like he was a fool to have Christopher in the first place. 

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