Thursday, December 9, 2010

book review #2

Then it was 1:20 a.m. but i hadn't heard father come up stairs to bed.I wondered if he was asleep downstairs or weather he was waiting to come and kill me. So i got my Swiss Army knife and opened the saw blade so that i could defend my self. Then i went out of my bed room really quietly and listened. i couldn't hear anything, so i started going downstairs really quietly and really slowly. And when i got downstairs i could see father's foot through the door of the living room. I waited for four minutes to see if he moved, but he didn't move. So i carried on walking till i got to the hallway. Then i looked around the door of the living room. 

      At that point in the story Christopher was heading out of the house so that he could run away from his dad because he thought that hes dad was going to come after him because his dad had told him that he was the one who killed the dog next door. when Christoper had heard this he got really sick and hit his dad until his dad hit the ground. This part of the story is were every thing got really cool and very interesting because the things that this boy does will put his dad threw hell. I have no idea why the rat is with the boy because think about it it is just one more head to feed and its a rat. Later on in the story, Christopher goes around the block and starts to ask people if they could take care of his rat and every one says no because well its a rat and no one wants one of those in there house. the weird thing in this story in that the kid is very hurt mentaly even though he cant feel his feelings he is a very smart kid and when i say that he is smart i mean he is very smart but he has his ways of messing up his first impression. 
      Like when he is talking to the police man and he looks like an ordinary kid then when the man talks to him he comes up with all this crap and it makes him look like a total retard. Any ways i am going to end off this post  by me recommending that you read the book. 

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