Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Does it matter where you go to college

         How do selective institutions help their students succeed? Let me count the ways: First, graduation rates rise with college selectivity, even among equally qualified students. Graduation rates in the top 100 colleges exceed 90 percent compared with less than 40 percent at the least prestigious four year colleges and all community colleges. And among equally qualified students -- those who score 1200 out of a possible 1600 on the SAT -- 96 percent of those who go to the selective colleges graduate, while those who go to the least selective four-year colleges graduate at a rate of 78 percent.- By Anthony .P 
      Access to money and power, those are the reasons that you should go to the best school you get accepted to. The only way that you could accomplish your dreams and what you want to do is to go to school. Some people can't accomplish there dreams because they require to go to a high level school like a UC if they want to be say, a lower , a doctor ,a president and many more. You will be more likely to be chosen for a job if you go to a high expectation school then a person who went to a community college. For example, in order to become gardener you don't even have to go to school but to be a a low class dentist with a degree that says you just barely past the class, thats a community college but if you go to a UC then you are set because you will have more experience and will work in a very good place that charges way to much but people can't say anything because they are in desperate need for your help.
     The main reason that people want power is to do what they please. The way to get power is high expectations. What are high expectations? Going to college should be number one on your list because thats where the beginning and the end to success lies. To make your time at school worth your years of taking tests and waking up early and putting up with the teachers worth it. Go to a good school that provides what you want and if they can help you succeed.

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