Friday, October 29, 2010

reflective Essay

                                                            Reflective Essay
           Over the semester I have learned a lot of new ways on how i can improve my writing to a higher standard . One of the ways is making it interesting like make it so good that people can not stop reading. Like my blog post The scariest day ever. In this blog post , i made it very interesting and kind of scary so that when people start to read it they will be hooked on the writing and wont stop reading. I made a lot of new improvements to my writing but the one thing that i did not do was split my paragraph into many because they are all run on. I am going to try to do it with this essay and hope that i do it right.
         Blogging has had a huge impact on my life because it helps improve the way I write and it brings down the number of mistakes I make. Before I had no idea on how to use blogger but now I do and I can type faster. Also all of my work is portable on the web because blogger saves all my work in a mater of seconds. See for your self if I have improved on my blog. I started from really bad work to going step by step to improve my work. My blog has all that you need to see in order to believe me. Even though my work isn't perfect it is getting there step by step every day. The main influence was Mr. Sutherland because he is the one who gave me the little tips on improving my work. If it wasn't for him I would be a horrible writer. The first time I posted up a blog on blogger was the hardiest thing I had for homework because I have never used it before.
        All of my posts on blogger come from a randomly selected word off the top of my mind. After I have got the word I need I make it into a title and start to brain storm. It may take a while but at least I can think of things to write about. When I don’t know what I'm going to write about I think about my day and what happened to me. If I know what I am going to write about I cant wait for school to end so that I can take my laptop and start to type. Like right now I am making this up as I go so this is not going to be the best work that I can do. If a subject is interesting to me I will stay up all night thinking of how I am going to improve it. I look forward to making my writing better then what it was and what it is. The first post I put up was the worst post of all. I didn't have any of the requirementsn and it did not meat the dead line. There was no indentation and there was only about two hundred words when you need a min of three hundred. The only thing that I did right was give it a title and even
the title wasn't good so I completely messed up that post.
          My favorite post that I did was The scariest day ever. It was my favorite because I pored my heart into it. It was the easiest post that I have ever done because I had some much to say about it and it really had an impact on me. The reason that I say that was because I had to witness the worst thing that could ever happen to someone. There were some many people stopping on a guys head and really messing him up mentally and physically. I think that people would agree with me if I said that this should never have to any human in the world no mater what. My least favorite post was the first post I put up because it had no meaning and only took me about ten minutes to make it. Tell me why I haven’t took ii off of my blog. I think that I am going to go to blogger right now and delete it right now. Some might think that it is easy to post two blogs every week but its not. The typing part it
easy but the rest isn't. The only thing that I don't look forward to on Fridays is that the posts are due. I can't stand doing them because they take for ever.

        I am going to end off this post with me thanking the people that read my post and commented. Its people like you that help others with there mistakes and help them improve. Since I hate to post long things on blogger I am going to ramble about what I am going to do next time when I post something. The first thing is going to be to indent my paragraphs and make them longer. The second thing I am going to do is stop posting stupid things on blogger. The third thing is I am going to start commenting on peoples work to tell them what they need to work on and what they have that is good. The fourth and final thing on my list is I am going to finish this essay before ten o'clock. All of these will end up helping my grad and help me improve on my writing skills. Thank you for reading and bye.     

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