Friday, November 5, 2010

mid life crisis "Emotions explode" part one

         The reason i called this post the mid life crisis is because this week has been the most suicidal week of my life. Even though i would never kill my self , that seemed like the only title that could fit what i was feeling. Any way, i started off my week by getting to school late and forgetting my lunch. As that day went by i went home to see why my dad was so happy. When i get there i notice that the plasma TV came, my dad said that i could watch the new movie we just rented. i plug up all the wires and the DVD player. my dad asks me "which wire is for the DVD player". I show him and he pulls it off the TV and says "thanks by". i got really mad at him for that. later on that day he tells me to come to the store with him and i go because every one at the house were pissing me off. I get to the store after six o'clock and i forget my text book. to make things worse our worker left because he was sick and i didn't have enough time to do my homework because i was restocking the shelves.
          That day ends and tuesday begins i wake up again late and no breakfeast and i forgot my lunch and only had five dollars on me. that day went great "NOT" i had to go to the store when the school day was over and mt dad wants to go home and leave me at the store. so since hes my dad i can't say anything to him and said "ok you better get going". But wait you think that things can't get worse and i gorget my text book again. i go to the bath room and flip out and just go crazy. I try to come down that day and i did for the rest of it.
        As wednesday begins i wake up late another time even though i made an alarm on my phone. I get to school seriously pissed and in no mood to talk to any one. since i was already very very mad i tould my dad that i wasn't going to go to the store ahead of time. But he desides to lie and say he has to be some were and i say "So what deal with it I have way to many things to do." I hang up and go home. I have never ever done that to my parents ever in my life. I was furious because every day keeps getting worse and worse. i wonder what would it be like on friday.

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