Thursday, September 30, 2010

The scariest day ever

          Yesterday September nine 2010 was the scariest day of my life. I went with my dad to his store and I worked ever since I got there till the time we were going to close the store. The weirdest thing happened, the streets all of the sudden got full of people and all the people on the streets beat up a drug dealer. The people that beat him up were also drug dealers. There were about 30 drug dealers all going off on one person. They were fighting over territory because if they didn’t have a spot to hide then they couldn't sell there drugs without the police finding out. Any way I went outside to see what was happening and I saw five people holding a man up and three other guys were punching his face in a also kicking his ribs. It went on for about ten minutes and I called the cops and just when I thought it was over some one threw a huge glass bottle at him and it broke on his head causing the man to bleed like a broken pipe, there was blood everywhere. The guy was on the ground uncontentious and someone else threw another bottle at his head also breaking and causing more blood to come out but there was no reaction from the uncontentious man. Just when I thought it was over another person stomped on his head and spit on him. When everyone had enough of watching the mechanic next door pulls out a rifle and runs towards the group and was prepared to fire. Everyone ran and my dad and I closed the store and got in the car and fled. As we were leaving we heard a gun fire and we were to far to see what happened. We got home not talking about it and went to sleep trying to erase the image of blood out of our minds.         


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  3. i comment i that!
