Thursday, August 19, 2010


Back in seventh grade always used to hurt peoples feelings because i was always the easy target in 6th grade. So pretty much i was getting even with everyone that hurt me. In the 6th grade i had people tripping me and calling me names and even beating me up, until i hit a huge growing spree. Then i was the one getting the satisfaction of hitting some one. I was on a roll but not in a good way i hurt people even more then they hurt me. One time next to my house i got beaten up by the kids on my block and when i would ask what i did they would start hitting me and two weeks later i beat the life out of every single one of them. When i was the one getting beaten up i felt mad and pretty pissed. then when i got a taste of how it felt to conflict it to others i was the very thing i set out to destroy. I think that people bully each other because it makes them feel better about them selves.


  1. i really liked it it was the best peace of work ever the new york times

  2. i commented on your quote
