I have noticed that people are talking about Oakland and they are saying that it is a bad place to live in. Well i live in Oakland and i wouldn't want to live any other place. it is very cool to live in Oakland because there are schools almost every five blocks and the kids can some times a hand full but it is worth it. during the holidays it is the most interesting place to live because people celebrate them and there are always block parties. When people say that Oakland is a Ghetto place its only one specific place like east fourteen. I lived there and it is very very cool because people always come up to you randomly and try to sell you cool stuff.
I bought my PlayStation 3 for only 50 dollars and it was in perfect condition i also buy things like iPhone's and other electronics. the reason that they have all that stuff is because they still from people and sell it then they still it again and sell it again. i am not aloud to go down there even though it is only 10 blocks away from my house, because my dad told me not to blend in with the crowd because he does not want me to steal things like they do. the last time i went down there was about two days ago because one of my family members were going to Yemen and my uncle who lives there told me that he really wanted an IPhone so i had no choice but to get him one. i found one for 20 bucks and it was a 3g one. i wanted to keep it for my self but he specifically told me to get him a 3g.
I am rambling so let me get to the point why Oakland is a great place. well its a great place for some who is not shy of any one and not afraid to get out there. once you've made friends with kids in your neighbored you will never want to leave. Every day of break i would go to my friends house and play with there wii. there would always be a lot of people playing and that made it the best. The only reason that people think that it is not a good place is because they don't any friends i n Oakland, if you don't then it will be a living hell because people always walk in groups and if your not apart of it then you have no reason to be there. "this is not true but thus happens a lot i see others doing this"
Thursday, December 16, 2010
book review #3
So far in the book the curious incident of the dog in the night time things take a turn for the worst. Christopher ran away from his dad because his dad told him what really happened to Mrs.shears dog. he told him that he killed the dog because after a while Ms.shears looked like she was going to move in with him and his dad did not want that to happen. Also Christopher finds out that his mom is not dead and that really react him mentally. when his dad gave him the bad news all at one time he had a break down and pushed his dad away. So he was very scared and did not want to live with his dad any longer and he remembered the address of were his mom lived because he had a photographic memory when he was reading the mail that his dad had kept for so long.
His mom lived in London and was writing to him that whole time and she never got a latter back from her son. it was very shocking to see Christopher running away from home he could not sleep knowing that his dad was in the house he thought that his dad was going to kill him because now he knows his secret. so that same night he ran away with his pet rat and the farther they got away from home the safer he would feel. it was a very weird section i n the book.
This was very funny to read that any person who touched him would make him scream and it would cause problems on the Bart and he would piss off other people. like the guy at the that was in the bart before him and he seen a rat on him and was scared and Christopher got it back but it bit his finger very badly. by the time he got the rat back the guy had touched his shoulder and he screamed like a little girl and he keeps on screaming the whole way to London. when he finally finds his mom he finds her with Mr.shears and he was scared of him. then in the end he has to go back to Sweden and take his test which he got an A on. he gets a dog and every thing else goes great.
His mom lived in London and was writing to him that whole time and she never got a latter back from her son. it was very shocking to see Christopher running away from home he could not sleep knowing that his dad was in the house he thought that his dad was going to kill him because now he knows his secret. so that same night he ran away with his pet rat and the farther they got away from home the safer he would feel. it was a very weird section i n the book.
This was very funny to read that any person who touched him would make him scream and it would cause problems on the Bart and he would piss off other people. like the guy at the that was in the bart before him and he seen a rat on him and was scared and Christopher got it back but it bit his finger very badly. by the time he got the rat back the guy had touched his shoulder and he screamed like a little girl and he keeps on screaming the whole way to London. when he finally finds his mom he finds her with Mr.shears and he was scared of him. then in the end he has to go back to Sweden and take his test which he got an A on. he gets a dog and every thing else goes great.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
respond to victors post
Things shifted as scary became horrifying. The doctor came out of his little work room and brought me into his examining room. I resisted by telling him to wait for my mom to bring me in, but I supposed it was fine. It was, until he started talking to me. I was speechless and too frightened to talk thinking that if i said something wrong, he would possibly shoot me.
Victor i know exactly what you are talking about because i used to do the same thing. Like when my dad took me to the dentist and i could hear the drill inside someones mouth and it sounded like it really hurt and every time the line got smaller to see the dentist someone would come out of his office with a puffy check. When ever i saw that i thought that the doctor used to hit people to shut them up about there pain. What i didn't know until the end of that was that it was numb because the doctor shot me in my mouth. Not literary, he used a shot to inject a fluid into my mouth.
When i told my dad if her loved he would not let the doctor beat me. Then he laffed really really hard because i told him that that's why people were puffy. When it was my turn to go in i cried really loud and then shuted up really fast because i thought that i was going to get beat to death. When that day was finally over i thought to my self that i was a good boy because i didn't let the doctor hit me and i didn't make him mad. but for some reason my cheek was really puffy and i told my dad and he laffed again so i hit him then he told me that it was because of the shot and i felt revealed that the doctor doesn't beat people up.
So pretty much i didn't have a great day because i couldn't eat anything for a while but i did any way because i was hungry and that same week i went back to the dentist and had him fix my teeth again but this time it was worse because i had to go back to school that same day. i was embarrassed to go to school but thats what you get for not doing what the doctor said.
Victor i know exactly what you are talking about because i used to do the same thing. Like when my dad took me to the dentist and i could hear the drill inside someones mouth and it sounded like it really hurt and every time the line got smaller to see the dentist someone would come out of his office with a puffy check. When ever i saw that i thought that the doctor used to hit people to shut them up about there pain. What i didn't know until the end of that was that it was numb because the doctor shot me in my mouth. Not literary, he used a shot to inject a fluid into my mouth.
When i told my dad if her loved he would not let the doctor beat me. Then he laffed really really hard because i told him that that's why people were puffy. When it was my turn to go in i cried really loud and then shuted up really fast because i thought that i was going to get beat to death. When that day was finally over i thought to my self that i was a good boy because i didn't let the doctor hit me and i didn't make him mad. but for some reason my cheek was really puffy and i told my dad and he laffed again so i hit him then he told me that it was because of the shot and i felt revealed that the doctor doesn't beat people up.
So pretty much i didn't have a great day because i couldn't eat anything for a while but i did any way because i was hungry and that same week i went back to the dentist and had him fix my teeth again but this time it was worse because i had to go back to school that same day. i was embarrassed to go to school but thats what you get for not doing what the doctor said.
book review #2
Then it was 1:20 a.m. but i hadn't heard father come up stairs to bed.I wondered if he was asleep downstairs or weather he was waiting to come and kill me. So i got my Swiss Army knife and opened the saw blade so that i could defend my self. Then i went out of my bed room really quietly and listened. i couldn't hear anything, so i started going downstairs really quietly and really slowly. And when i got downstairs i could see father's foot through the door of the living room. I waited for four minutes to see if he moved, but he didn't move. So i carried on walking till i got to the hallway. Then i looked around the door of the living room.
At that point in the story Christopher was heading out of the house so that he could run away from his dad because he thought that hes dad was going to come after him because his dad had told him that he was the one who killed the dog next door. when Christoper had heard this he got really sick and hit his dad until his dad hit the ground. This part of the story is were every thing got really cool and very interesting because the things that this boy does will put his dad threw hell. I have no idea why the rat is with the boy because think about it it is just one more head to feed and its a rat. Later on in the story, Christopher goes around the block and starts to ask people if they could take care of his rat and every one says no because well its a rat and no one wants one of those in there house. the weird thing in this story in that the kid is very hurt mentaly even though he cant feel his feelings he is a very smart kid and when i say that he is smart i mean he is very smart but he has his ways of messing up his first impression.
Like when he is talking to the police man and he looks like an ordinary kid then when the man talks to him he comes up with all this crap and it makes him look like a total retard. Any ways i am going to end off this post by me recommending that you read the book.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
respond to billy's post
Why choose iPad ? Many have wondered about this and still have trouble finding why. Well, what is an iPad? An iPad is a tablet computer made by Apple. It is made for reading audio books,watching movies, browsing the web, listening to music, and most importantly playing games. An iPad is portable and a lot bigger than the Ipod touch or the Iphone, but it does mostly the same task like them. A iPad's starting price is 499 US dollars, a lot more compared to the Ipod touch, but also a lot better in many ways.The iPad has a multitouch surface, allowing you to touch the surface with two fingers and both fingers will work finely. The battery is said to last up to 10 hours of video, 140 hours of audio playback, or one month on standby. -Billy
I know that the Ipad has all those features and some other ones. But you didn't add the bad things in it like not having a camera. It's 2010 and apple doesn't even bother to put a camera in one of there devices. that is the only thing that is going to upgrade them to the other ipad. who knows the other version that will come out any time now will have a camera because that is the only other thing that it is missing. The ipad is one of the best things on earth "not counting it without a camera" because it has one of the best screen resolution i have ever seen i n my whole life. another thing is that it will amaze even bill gates because he would have never ever came up with it. Other company's are trying to come up with cheap tablets like the windows tablet. i have tried both and their is no way that i am going to pick any other company then apple because it ids the only thing that i know of that can be jail broken and it has the number one touch screen in the world. At least in our times. To all the people who are thinking of getting an ipad or looking over other company's that may look similar then you are just wasting your time because nothing can match up with the IPAD!
I know that the Ipad has all those features and some other ones. But you didn't add the bad things in it like not having a camera. It's 2010 and apple doesn't even bother to put a camera in one of there devices. that is the only thing that is going to upgrade them to the other ipad. who knows the other version that will come out any time now will have a camera because that is the only other thing that it is missing. The ipad is one of the best things on earth "not counting it without a camera" because it has one of the best screen resolution i have ever seen i n my whole life. another thing is that it will amaze even bill gates because he would have never ever came up with it. Other company's are trying to come up with cheap tablets like the windows tablet. i have tried both and their is no way that i am going to pick any other company then apple because it ids the only thing that i know of that can be jail broken and it has the number one touch screen in the world. At least in our times. To all the people who are thinking of getting an ipad or looking over other company's that may look similar then you are just wasting your time because nothing can match up with the IPAD!
book review
So far in the book the curious incident of the dog in the night-time, Christopher has been telling us what the book was going to be about, which was a bad idea because he is giving away the purpose of the book and he is spoiling it. One example is when he says the title of the paragraph like My mothers death or something. In the first sentence of each of the paragraph he tells you exactly what he is going to talk about. There are some good things in the store as well like in the first chapter you really want to know how old he is because he sounds like he is eight years old and you think to your self how could an eight year old publish a book. then in the second chapter he is telling you how old he is then that is even worse then being eight because he is really fifteen years old and he is kind of retarded. you feel really bad for him a third into the book but some how in the end of one of the chapters he seems to be really smart but at the same time the worlds dumbest person.
One example of this is when he says that all the kids at his school are all dumb and don't know what to think then he starts to brag on how he is going to prove that he is smarter then all of his colleges. He sounds really smart for some one who can't even feel his own feelings or notice other peoples faces. You feel very bad for him when his dad told him that his mom had died and the same dad after he hears the bad news he plays scrabble with his neighbor that came to comfort his dad and the weird thing was that he won the game. To make matters worse he doesn't have any common sense. Like when he told his dad what type of a heart attack his mom had and he started to list all of the names and his dad just apologizes's to him and it sounded like he was a fool to have Christopher in the first place.
One example of this is when he says that all the kids at his school are all dumb and don't know what to think then he starts to brag on how he is going to prove that he is smarter then all of his colleges. He sounds really smart for some one who can't even feel his own feelings or notice other peoples faces. You feel very bad for him when his dad told him that his mom had died and the same dad after he hears the bad news he plays scrabble with his neighbor that came to comfort his dad and the weird thing was that he won the game. To make matters worse he doesn't have any common sense. Like when he told his dad what type of a heart attack his mom had and he started to list all of the names and his dad just apologizes's to him and it sounded like he was a fool to have Christopher in the first place.
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