Saturday, January 22, 2011

Letters To God

To the letter to god, you can tell that some were in the book Celie is going to be a very religious person. And I think that it isn't a bad idea for her to share her feelings with some one because the more you keep your feelings bottled up the more problems that you have. She also seems like the kind of person that would like to be married but not to an aggressive person. This book really gets into all the details and i really regret reading it because it gets way to creepy in the beginning and makes it sound like a horror story. I think that the letters to god are the only things that keep her alive because if you don't tell people what is going on with you say like when you are under pressure to do something but if you tell your parents they would get mad at you so you hold it to your self. The same thing is happening to Celie because her mom is dead and her dad keeps on raping her. That meant that she doesn't have any one to turn to but her little sister and she can't do anything about it. The letters to god are her way of talking to people and God is the only person that she could talk to because no one else is going to keep her secrets besides a figment of her imagination.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Color Purple

There are many fascinating things going on in the book The Color Purple, but there are the main things that happen to the main character Celie. One thing that she keeps doing that is still very mysterious is writing letters to god. This is mysterious because she doesn't seem like the kind of person who would be religious and believe in god but who would of thought that a light headed person would believe in god. when she is talking about god it seems like she thinks of him as a guy and not as a god. The way that Celie is as a person is kind of scary because she lets people tell her what to do and that goes for little kids as well.
         Don't let them run you over, Nettie say. You got to let them know who got the upper hand.
         They got it, i say.
         But she keep on, You got to fight. You got to fight. 
         But I don't know how to fight. All i know how to do is stay alive.

This was said by Nettie and she made a really good point on how Celie is letting people do what ever they want to her. This really gets bad halfway threw to the end of the first paper clip because thats when all the bad things happen. She starts to write a lot of letters to god and more then what she started to in the beginning. Celie has a lot of things that make her unique but some things that make her stand out of the crowd are not good traits. Like when she goes to the market with her "Sisters" and she sees a little girl she thinks that it is heres because her dad used to rape her and through the kids that she had away.This girl really gets taken advantage of. When she looks at the baby girl she keeps asking the old lady whats the girls name who her father is and all these other questions. Overall Celie is a damaged  girl but will have her life back some day.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Another day another story

        Today is the fourteenth of January and i coming home from a perfect day of school at a great high school. After have setting my day expectations so high i have to go to work with my dad and working at a store can really mess up your day. I go to the store and the first costumer i see i greet them and they look at me and don't say anything. So i think that they didn't hear me so i said "hi how are you"and the women looks again and doesn't say anything. So i tell her "you know your an ass right." the only reason i would ever say that to a person is that for starters she is a dophine and always steals. So after i say that she stays in the store for like twenty minutes and starts laughing and says "motherfu****"and my dad sees the old hag and hears her a asks her to leave and she refuses. my dad threatens to call the cops and then she leaves.
       She isn't the main person in this blog it gets better. The employee comes from his house on time and let me mention that he is the coolest guy and the most funniest person that i met. later on in the day some punks come in to the store only about 17 years old and try to buy beer. Since I am not stupid i didn't sell it to them.
They threaten to beat me up but and i dared them to. Which kind of made me very stupid to say. They were all being raciest and my dad was inside not able to do anything. I have my dad on speed dial and he answers the phone and only hears commotion. He comes out of the storage room and sees whats happening and i was relived. Knowing that there was gun under the cash register i am scared to pick it up because anything can happen so i don't touch it. My dad runs towards me with a bat and hits one of the gang members on his foot real hard and my dad says "shoot there a**" knowing i won't do it and they all run off. This i really wanted to tell but it actually happened a week before the 14th.

Attitude or Truth

          So I'm trying to find a good post to respond about and i found one that seems to be very exciting and talked about. It was by Rokhsor and it really ticked me off. 

I am shocked. If anything, Alameda is the coolest place to be and just because you do not like it here, does not make it dumb or stupid or anything like that. I am tired of people calling Alameda bad names. If you do not like it, then do not talk about it. It is as simple as that. Just because people live in Oakland and it’s where all the “cool people” live, does not make everywhere else dumb.

           This in any way does not mean that i am mad at Rokhsor but at Aleah. I can't believe that any one would ever say that Alameda is a bad place or "bootsy". The first time that i went into Alameda i was amazed at how clean the people kept it. That kind of made me think how dirty Oakland is and it made me kind of mad to go back to Oakland. It's a shame for Aleah to say that because people haven't heard about it and to say to all the nice people of Alameda how they aren't worth it. I have never been more welcome in my life by such nice people. For others to say that Alameda isn't cool or not heard of, then your going to have to shut your mouth. The people of Oakland are nice but not the majority of them. They always have something bad to say about other people and I would know because thats what i used to be like until going to asti.
        I back up Rokhsor 120%. I'm going to say what she was nice enough not to say. If you don't have anything good to say about Alameda then be quite. I'm going to stop now because i don't want to piss people off the same way they pissed me off. Sorry to the people that were offended but Alameda is a great place 5 stars.  

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Does it matter where you go to college

         How do selective institutions help their students succeed? Let me count the ways: First, graduation rates rise with college selectivity, even among equally qualified students. Graduation rates in the top 100 colleges exceed 90 percent compared with less than 40 percent at the least prestigious four year colleges and all community colleges. And among equally qualified students -- those who score 1200 out of a possible 1600 on the SAT -- 96 percent of those who go to the selective colleges graduate, while those who go to the least selective four-year colleges graduate at a rate of 78 percent.- By Anthony .P 
      Access to money and power, those are the reasons that you should go to the best school you get accepted to. The only way that you could accomplish your dreams and what you want to do is to go to school. Some people can't accomplish there dreams because they require to go to a high level school like a UC if they want to be say, a lower , a doctor ,a president and many more. You will be more likely to be chosen for a job if you go to a high expectation school then a person who went to a community college. For example, in order to become gardener you don't even have to go to school but to be a a low class dentist with a degree that says you just barely past the class, thats a community college but if you go to a UC then you are set because you will have more experience and will work in a very good place that charges way to much but people can't say anything because they are in desperate need for your help.
     The main reason that people want power is to do what they please. The way to get power is high expectations. What are high expectations? Going to college should be number one on your list because thats where the beginning and the end to success lies. To make your time at school worth your years of taking tests and waking up early and putting up with the teachers worth it. Go to a good school that provides what you want and if they can help you succeed.