Sunday, June 12, 2011

summer post

             I am bored out of my mind. I am kind of sad at the same time. As the school year ends there is nothing to do but stay at home and play video games. people can't wait for school to end while me on the other hand hate summer as much as anything in the world. summer always means hot days and kids are out of school so that means more crap to put up with. so this is my favorite thing to do when times get hard or when i don't have a care in the world. In this case i don't have a care in the world, at this point in my life i am no longer a kid a teenager an adult or anything related to human. i feel like i can rule the world if bothered to. i don't always feel like this, this is a rare side of me that comes out when i am truly at peace. all i can say for now is that the best teacher that ever lived the best teacher at asti the best teacher period is leaving us. Mr. Charlie Sutherland you will be missed dearly. sorry for not listening to you.....i truly am.  

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