Saturday, August 28, 2010

Bullying Puts Others Down

People mite think that it's okay to bully others but here is what Troy has to say about it. 
I remember one time when a group of kids went around the whole school picking on smaller kids. At that time I was one of the smaller kids. They would do things like make fun of their clothes and how they looked. I know that that was wrong because kids couldn’t change how they looked, or how their clothes looked because the kid’s parents might not have had money to get them the name brand clothing.
If you have ever gotten bullied and then you know that its not all fun and games. people really do get hurt and that makes them fell very bad about them selves. I know that it really hurts people because i always got bullied when i was a kid and when i grew up i got my revenge but still I regret what i did and fell horrible about it.
The bullying only stops when you decide to stop it and remember violence never solves any thing. The way it works is that people love to know that others fear them because of what they can do. It makes them fell very intimidated and it makes the bully fell that they are more then just your superior they are greater then you. For example a king and all of his slaves, if the slaves make the king mad the king has power over them and can do what ever they want until people fight back. In our case we tell the teacher or try to solve it another way. I recommend that you don't bully any one and no one will bully you. People can relate to what Troy said because every now and then some will be a victim of bullying even if you are the bully it will still happen to you eventually because people have revenge on there mind all the time and who know they can do something far more worst then you did because it hurts inside.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Back in seventh grade always used to hurt peoples feelings because i was always the easy target in 6th grade. So pretty much i was getting even with everyone that hurt me. In the 6th grade i had people tripping me and calling me names and even beating me up, until i hit a huge growing spree. Then i was the one getting the satisfaction of hitting some one. I was on a roll but not in a good way i hurt people even more then they hurt me. One time next to my house i got beaten up by the kids on my block and when i would ask what i did they would start hitting me and two weeks later i beat the life out of every single one of them. When i was the one getting beaten up i felt mad and pretty pissed. then when i got a taste of how it felt to conflict it to others i was the very thing i set out to destroy. I think that people bully each other because it makes them feel better about them selves.