Friday, March 25, 2011

what would Cisneros say.

Should parents/guardians raise their teenage girls in the same way that they raise their teenage boys? Why or why not? What rules should be the same for girls and boys? What should be different? Explain

                    I think that Cisneros would say that girls and boys should be raised the same because a human is a human and you can't change that. In the book the house on mango street a lot of things happen to the girls that are not okay because it makes the boys look like huge jerks which they are. In some ways this also seems like Cisnero is kind of not as loving to boys as she is to girls. I say this because it states in the book that in every situation there is a boy involved in it and they at are either mean to the girls or something else related to them that makes them look bad.
                      In some ways i think that the author would say that boys should be treated worse then girls or they will grow up to be real jerks. This makes sense because of the figure boys are looked at in this book. If i was going threw the same thing that the main character was going threw then i would grow up to hate boys because its sad that a girl is scared to be in a boys presents. The rules that should stay the same for boys and girls are that they can't hurt each other and they can't molest each other. the reason that i say that is that Esperanza was raped by her fellow coworker. The only thing that really has to change is that there can not be any drama because the main answer to every thing is that there can not be any drama and it would help a lot. There are a lot of things in this book that it very exciting and the reason that the author wrote this is because she probably had the dame thing going on in her life. sense i have nothing else to say I'm going to end it off with this i am only one minute away from the due date lol>

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Color Red

            The color red seems to show up a lot in the book The house on mango street. It probably stands for  mad things or something that was not supposed to happen because it mentions that in every bad thing that Esperanza goes threw it sates the color red. For example Esperanza's house is red and it says in the book that she really hates it because it's not conformable and it always makes her look bad. It does not have any of the things that she wants in house thats why she hates the color red. Another example of this is the high heels that Esperanza was wearing and the guy said that if she kissed him he would give her a dollar and she was thinking about it and then they had to leave.
            The color red shows up were ever there is a problem in the book. This starts to be noticeable when the guy rapes her and keeps telling her "i love you Spanish girl" she calls them red clowns and you can tell from there on that she does not like the color red. It also says that when she was with her friend in the monkey park the boys were trying to get a kiss from her friend and she thought that her friend was in trouble but it was a prank that the boys were playing on her. she said that she felt stupid with her brick that she was going to hit the boys with. and when you think about it bricks are red and when she was i trouble mentions it and the color red seems to be the way she describes the things that she going threw sense everything bad happens to her. This book is describing other objects as bad things like a bike or something it uses objects and descriptions as a away of telling you that something is bad or good but the majority of the ideas are bad because Esperanza doesn't really have anything good happening in her life because her family is poor and she doesn't know a lot of things about how kids behave and what people do.