Bassam Alkabsh
Period 2
The Color Purple
In the book The Color Purple by Alice Walker the two main characters Celie and Nettie are very much alike in some ways and very much different in other ways. Although the two sisters love each other they are almost opposites. Celie the kind of person that is very shy to talk and smile while Nettie is not scared at all and won't let any one boss her around and she will always put up a fight. The book is written in a very unique way because it shows Celie as the most weakest person in the book and it shows Nettie as the strong, funny one but the more that the book progresses the more that things will change. The scary thing is that in the end of the book things take a huge shift for Celie because she finally had the courage to face Albert and almost killed him. The two girls are alike in many ways and different in other ways.
Celie in the beginning of the book was a very religious person and always wrote letters to God. Later on in the book she begins to question God's decisions because her life was a living hell. This was said by Celie “She say, Wait a minute. Hold on just a minute here. Just because I don’t harass it like some peoples us know don’t mean I ain't got religion. What god do for me I ast. She say Celie! Like she shock.”[200] As things begin to go her way, she starts to love God again and is grateful for her life. In my perspective I think that in one point in her life her dad loved her but when she was starting to develop I think that her dad had needs and was a sick man and did what no parent should ever do, rape his daughter. . Another thing that is kind of weird about Celie is that every one is the boss of her and she doesn’t even bother to say anything to the little kids which she has authority over.
The difference between Nettie and Celie are enormous. Celie and Nettie are both very religious people but Celie does things at the church because it is the only place she feels safe, Nettie does it out the goodness of her heart. Nettie seems like she is not religious because she never says anything about god and how she is grateful for her life or anything. Another thing that is kind of shocking is that Nettie's father likes her and he hates his other daughter Celie. Nettie is also pretty smart and it mentions in the book that she is beautiful because Mr________ wants to merry her and not Celie but he had to merry Celie. The main difference between the two girls is that one is smart “Nettie” and the other is not to bright “Celie”. A huge difference between this two girls is that one of them got pregnant and the other one is still “fresh”. Celie's dad rapped her all the time and Celie had kids twice but her dad gave them away.
These two girls also have many things in common. They both love to learn because in the book it states that Nettie was trying to teach Celie how to read and how to know what she was reading. They both say that they love to read and learn but it all goes to shreds when Mr._______ separates them from each other. Other people think that education is not necessary “The Olinka do not believe girls should be educated. When I asked a mother why she thought this, she said: A girl is nothing to herself; only to her husband can she become something.”[155]Another thing that they both share is that they are always doing good things for other people like when Nettie was in Africa and she was teaching the kids how to read and write. Celie is always helping the church with things and always helps Mr______ because he can't take care of all the kids all by himself. The main thing that the two girls have in common is the amazing love that they have for each other. The first time that they seen each other in a long time they did not know how to react. Both of the girls are also very religious because Celie proves it by always volunteering at the church and Nettie proves her self because she is a missionary in Africa.
These are all the things that the two sisters have in common and all the things that make them special. The way the story is organized is to tell you how the two girls get along and what are the differences between the two. The book is very interesting and it is the kind of book that if you read the first chapter it will make you want to read the rest of the book to find out what is going to happen next. The book The Color Purple is the best book I have ever read because of the ways that it drags the reader into the story and how exciting it is. Alice walkers point between Celie and Nettie is that love can never stop and things will always change.